Monday, November 30, 2009

Gut Check (10 of 23)

Got some 'splaining to do...

Where should I be (if working out 6 times a week) = 20 of 23

Where I am (working out an average of 3 times a week) = 10 of 23*

(*the first number is the number of workouts since Nov 9, the second number is number of days since Nov. 9)

Yoga X

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Gut Check (day 8 of 15)

That means I should have had 13 workouts in...5 sick days. No more. No more.


Here's to half-assing it...

PLUS, I got a feeling that this hockey season is going to be a good, good season:
(let's do it):

Friday, November 20, 2009

My Ref Hero, Ian Walsh, Selling the Call

We might have to have a contest on most washouts in a play. Ian Walsh, an American referee who was VERY INSTRUMENTAL in my career (UO Ref Camp Guys...I'll give you the extra dish on "serendipity").

Ian goes big time on the sell here:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Gut Check (day 7 of 9)

Chest and Back

* Note : I am going with a new change in how I report my accountability...I have 90 days to get in 78 workouts.

Life is a continual only lose when you are dead (well, kind of, but I don't want to get into any type of spiritual debate here.  I am talking about using every single, stinking minute you have on earth, and ALWAYS push to the goal line!).

I missed a day due to feeling sick.  Therefore, I am a bit behind in the game.  I can overcome that.  I have not lost and I will not EVER lose.  Always push for the goal!

That's the lesson...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Selling Your Call

Watch the referee and his positioning, his reaction to the play, and his conviction.

Is there any doubt whether or not he thinks the high sticking the puck was legal or not?  As a referee, what do you communicate to your partners in regards to high sticks and hand passes.  Whatever the case here, I think his partners have no doubt

(plus watch Thor Nelson come in for the 8 seconds and BLOW HIS WHISTLE -- hint, hint...I am a BIG fan of having a whistle blow to end every period.  Yep).

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gut Check - Day 6

Kenpo X

  • The warm up in this video is something you SHOULD do to warm up for a junior, college, or pro game
  • I will continue to rave on about P90X and how specific it is to hockey referees...BUT...
  • I am going to do a "book report" on Lance Armstrong and do more 'teachable moments'

"Go to Where the Puck Came From"

This advice might seem counter-intuitive, but when working the goal line, you want to (a) get the best sight lines, (b) stay out of harms way, and (c) maintain good sound position on the rink.

In this video example, watch what the ref does when the puck is passed his way...rather than stay there and (a) be too close to traffic and (b) maybe get in harms way, so (c) he doesn't see the "forest from the trees", he instead GOES TO WHERE THE PUCK CAME FROM...

(#11 - Kelly Sutherland)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Finish at the Net!

In this example, watch the referee, who initially signals "GOAL" from a ways out, but continues to the net with his goal signal. 

The inexperienced and/or lazy guy would just stay in the corner.  Always finish at the net!:

Now, this is Being on the Goal Line!

Can't get much better position than this (teehee):

Big Don VanMassenhoven

Gut Check - Day 5

Legs and Back

(I did 5 reps for every pull up set -- not bad, gonna shoot for 10 each!)

Watch the first part of this video to see the proper V-Start (you can watch the rest if you REALLY love physics :)

Working the Puck at the Goal Line

Ultimate Officials Ref Campers will understand what I am talking about...(for more info, go [here]):

Watch the referee "work for the puck" to get the best sightline:

Gut Check - Day 4

Yoga X

Just Because I Like this Guy

Tough, gritty, a warrior...he's the man.

(On a referee instruction note -- my Referee Camp guys have heard this before -- "Work for the Puck".  If a referee were in a "flat" angle, it would be difficult to truly distinguish what the defender (David Hale, former UND Sioux player) was doing with his hands - "stick & gloves/sticks & gloves/sticks & gloves):

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Play WCHA ref, ...answer this one

First of all, I do love to watch Zach Parise.  RELENTLESS.  Yup.  That's him.

How would you call it if you were the referee, stepped into the penalty box to review the goal?

Goalie interference?  Yes?  No? Duno?

Gut Check - Day 3

Shoulders and Arms

I think I need to relax a bit.  This workout had me PUMPED UP! (ahhh, forget it):

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gut Check - Day 2


Videotaping and exercise (intense exercise) can cause your mind to race.  I told you I was going to mind dump...this should be informative.  You might have to watch it twice, because my mind was racing.  Too much to think about - exercise, the next exercise, how to teach others that these exercises will make them faster and stronger skaters, and whether or not someone will actually take the chance to join our [Referee Camp] and really, really make a difference in their life...too much for my brain!  Enjoy:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Gut Check - Day 1 (do over...don't ask)

P90X - Round 3 - Day 1

Chest and Back

Max GXL Info
(you may want to bench press 1 million pounds, you may not, but you should want to push like NO OTHER!):

email me for more info:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Gut Check - Day 1

Here are a few results from Chest and Back (I am not doing any Ab Ripper X, because it sucks).

Standard Push Ups - 24 -18
Military Push Ups - 18 - 12
Wide Push Ups - 15 -10

You fall off the bike?  You get back on it.  You don't ride a bike for awhile?  You lose some "Ooomph!!"

Bring It, People!  Please!  For your sake!